Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Welcome to my blog pages.  This blog attempts to provide technical informations related to embedded software development.

Eclipse page contains information and links to setup Eclipse based C/C++ embedded development environment for OSX, Linux & Windows

IDAP-Link page is all about the CMSIS-DAP debug JTag and gang programming.

Arduino page contains projects for Arduino.  Currently LED matrix multi-display project.

EHAL page is my Open Source Embedded Hardware Abstraction Library (EHAL).  This is an attempts to provide multi-platform embedded software development with generic code re-use in C++.

nRF51/nRF52 page is all about Nordic nRF51 and nRF52 series Bluetooth LE & ANT development

LPC17xx/LPC11xx page is about NXP LPC series ARM micro-controller

CC3200 page is about the TI ARM Cortex-M4 with embedded Wifi